Location: Terrace Bay, just over 2 hours East of Thunder Bay on Highway 17. In Recreation Complex (Corner of Selkirk Ave. & Hwy 17). West entrance from parking lot between Recreation Complex & Tourism Information Centre.
Phone #: (807) 825-3315 x7 (only in use when open; no voice-mail)
E-Mail: terracebaycurlingclub@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerraceBayCurlingClub (recommended site for current updates)
Web-site: http://www.terracebay.ca/residents/recreation/curling/ (not updated regularly)
New Information / News / Special Events :
Curling begins Ladies League- Tuesday evenings, Junior League- Wednesday after school and Mixed League- Thursday evenings.
In order to offer curling for Junior / Youth, we are looking for a volunteer to organize and run the program. There are resources available for training and different programming options. Anyone interested can contact Kristi-Ann DeRuiter (807) 472-2361. There is definite strong interest from the children/students to have their opportunity to get out and curl. We hope there is interest from an individual(s) to volunteer, or else we may not be able to offer the program for Juniors / Youths.
You can register yourself, couple or team for league play.
Fees: $ 160 per curler for women's and open league, $70 per curler for junior league.
Executive 2024-2025:
President - Kristi-Ann DeRuiter (807) 472-2361
Vice-President - Ken Blackwood
Secretary - Kelly Kenny
Treasurer - Scott Adams (807) 632-9052
Bar Chair - Shannon Bedard
2024-2025 Bonspiels
-Glow in the Dark Funspiel- November 30, 2024
-Ladies Bonspiel- January 10-12, 2024
-Open Bonspiel- March 28-30, 2024 [Mens, Ladies, Mixed teams].
Contact Kristi-Ann DeRuiter 807-472-2361 to register.
Ladies League (Tuesday evening) - Kristi-Ann DeRuiter (807) 472-2361
Junior / Youth League (Wednesday after school) - Kristi-Ann DeRuiter (807) 472-2361
Mixed League (Thursday evening) - Leslie Blackwood (807) 228-4509
Club Bookings & Rentals - Kristi-Ann DeRuiter (807) 472-2361
About Our Club:
4 curling sheets; pro-ice (de-ionized water)
well stocked bar with good selection of beer, liquors, coolers and specialty drinks (along with friendly bar-tender)
large screen TV
powerful stereo system with great quality
smoke-free. Smoking area is readily available just outside.
good food available
our Club is available to rent for small-to-mid gatherings (135 seating capacity). The Club can be rented with or without the use of the kitchen facilities and/or use of the curling ice. Please contact Dar McArthur at (807) 823-1444.
Hotels/Motels (within easy walking distance of Curling Club):
Drifters Motel - (807) 825-3226
Norwood Motel - (807) 825-3282
Red Dog Inn - (807) 825-3285